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What is the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption

What is the General Scheme for

the Prevention of Corruption

The General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption establishes the criteria and measures to be followed by public and private organisations in Portugal. Its purpose is to prevent, detect and penalise corrupt practices, promoting an ethical and transparent culture in the various sectors of society. Guided by ethical and legal principles, this regime aims to create an environment where integrity prevails, strengthening the foundations of a fair and just society.

Fundamental Principles of the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption

Fundamental Principles of the General Scheme

for the Prevention of Corruption

Transparency and accountability

Transparency is crucial to mitigate corruption scenarios. The General Scheme serves as an active mediator in the open disclosure of information, making organisational practices accessible and understandable to the entire structure and society. The disclosure of information is the guarantee that any activities are subject to the necessary scrutiny, creating an increased sensitivity to potential cases of corruption.

Ethics and integrity

Ethics strengthens any organisational structure. The General Scheme emphasises its importance as a powerful element in the fight against corruption. Together with integrity, these are more than formal requirements. They are fundamental principles to be incorporated into the DNA of every company, resulting in an environment resistant to corruption.

Efficient resource management

The efficient management of resources is a crucial practice against corruption. The General Scheme encourages practices that optimise the use of resources, minimising opportunities for embezzlement or manipulation. Responsible management contributes, not only to integrity, but also to the sustainability of the entire company.

Active prevention

Efforts to prevent corruption are an ongoing journey. The General Scheme highlights the importance of preventive strategies, including constant training, regular risk assessments and adapting to changes in the organisational and legislative environment.

Responsibilities and duties under the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption

Responsibilities and duties under the General

Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption

Responsibilities of organisations

Promoting a culture of integrity

Encouraging the adoption of ethical values as a key part of company culture.

Implementing preventive measures

Develop and implement policies and procedures designed to actively prevent corruption.

Appointment of officials

Elect employees or teams responsible for the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the General Scheme.

Individual Responsibilities

Compliance with internal policy

Strictly comply with the developed and implemented anti-corruption policies outlined by the company.

Reporting suspicious practices

Encouraging the reporting of suspicious corrupt practices through appropriate and secure channels.

Ongoing training

Providing regular training programmes on ethics, integrity and anti-corruption practices in the business environment.

Legal duties to prevent corruption

Compliance with anti-corruption legislation

Companies must respect and fully comply with the anti-corruption laws in force, among other specific regulations that may be required depending on their activity.

Carrying out regular audits

Carrying out internal audits on a systematic basis guarantees compliance with standards and enables the timely detection of possible sources of deviations from the normal functioning of the operation that could constitute non-compliance.

Transparent disclosure of financial information

Making financial information available in a transparent and accurate manner promotes clarity in transactions and objectivity in the management of the resources available in the structure.

Implementation of the General Schemefor the Prevention of Corruption in companies

Implementation of the General Schemefor

the Prevention of Corruption in companies

Leadership commitment

The leadership takes a pioneering role in making a clear commitment to the prevention of corruption, showcasing the importance of the General Scheme as an integral part of the company's structural values.

Risk assessment

The systematic identification and assessment of potential corruption risks takes the organisation into a preventive perspective, capable of providing detailed analyses of the business's exposure to risk.

Developing anti-corruption practices

The development of comprehensive policies in identified risk areas followed by their corresponding dissemination ensures the commitment of the entire structure to the fulfilment of a common goal.

Training and awareness-raising

Only continuous training on the General Scheme requires sensitisation of all teams and active adherence across the entire structure.

Complaint channels

The creation of secure and confidential channels for reporting suspicious practices encourages the proliferation of a culture of awareness-raising and monitoring.

Control and monitoring mechanisms

Control and

monitoring mechanisms

The effective implementation of the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption requires efficient control and monitoring mechanisms, with entities responsible for its application and supervision.

Internal control

Regular audits

Systematic internal audits assess compliance with established policies.

Continuous monitoring

The implementation of continuous monitoring systems is crucial for proactively identifying deviations and suspicious behaviour.

External control

Government institutions

Government institutions such as the Inspectorate-General for Internal Administration (IGAI) and the Inspectorate-General for Finance (IGF) play a key role in monitoring and applying the General Scheme in organisations.

Sector regulators

In specific sectors, regulatory bodies such as the Competition Authority, the National Civil Aviation Authority, the Energy Services Regulatory Authority and others, are crucial for systematically assessing compliance with the sector's anti-corruption policies.

The importance of control and monitoring

Deterring corrupt behaviour

The presence of robust control mechanisms discourages corrupt practices, since the processes are duly scrutinised through constant monitoring.

Building trust

Effective supervision, not only guarantees compliance with the General Scheme, but also strengthens trust in the institutions, promoting an image of transparency and accountability.

Consequences of non-compliance with the General Scheme

Specific legal sanctions

In cases of non-compliance with the General Scheme for the Prevention of Corruption, organisations are subject to specific sanctions, with significant fines, suspension of activity or even legal action.

Individual accountability

Além das penalizações às entidades, a legislação também prevê responsabilização individual para aqueles que, por ação ou omissão, contribuíram ativamente numa não conformidade cujo resultado resulte numa prática corrupta.

Impact on corporate image

Non-compliance can have a significant impact on a company's image, resulting in a loss of trust on the part of customers, suppliers, investors and, in general, the community. The damage to reputation is often irreparable, with long-term consequences for the corporate image.

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